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+39 0924 582021


Experiences and wine tasting

Visit the winery and wine tasting

We will start with a panoramic visit of the hill to proceed afterwards with a visit of the winery where we will tell you about us and our wines. Then we will move on with the wine tasting of 3 wines accompanying the wines with a little snack

Italian and English
1 hour and 30 minutes every day, prior booking
min 2 / max 24 people
€15 pp (€12 per person in groups*). Children € 5

book here

All the flavours of Valdibella

We will start with a panoramic visit of the hill to proceed afterwards with a visit of the winery, where we will tell you about us and our wines. Therefore the tasting of 3 wines and of 8 tasting of Valdibella products.

Italian and English
1 hours and 30 minutes,  every Saturday, prior booking
min 2 / max 24 people
€ 23 pp (€20 pp groups*). Children € 10

Pic nic in Valdibella

A Sunday in the open air in the field with your own family or among friends to taste the Valdibella products. We will start at 11:20 am to visit the winery and we will proceed on the grass with a basket that will contain a variety of our products and a bottle of wine (a choice between Munir and Kerasos)

Italian and English
Every Sunday in May and in June, prior booking
min 2 / max 24 people
A basket for two people €40 pp; a basket per family (2 adults and 2 children) €65.


*group- over 10 participants.

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